Image by Henning Westerkamp from Pixabay

The Munich Tech Sauna community is a unique gathering of tech enthusiasts in the beautiful city of Munich, Germany. We come together to unwind and connect, sharing the joy of saunas and great conversations. Our community values a tech-free environment, leaving gadgets and devices at the door, allowing us to focus on what truly matters: human connections.

Image by Sven Haiges

With a warm and inviting atmosphere, we welcome great people from all corners of the tech world who share our passion for relaxation and camaraderie. Our gatherings are characterized by an uplifting mood, where you can leave the stresses of the workday behind and immerse yourself in the soothing ambiance of the sauna.

Image by Sven Haiges

After a rejuvenating sauna session, we often come together for a well-deserved afterwork beer and chill. It's the perfect time to continue those meaningful discussions or simply relax in good company. We also explore various sauna infusions, enhancing the health benefits of the experience and deepening our appreciation for holistic wellness.

Image by EstonianSaunas from Pixabay

Join the "Munich Tech Sauna" community to escape the digital hustle, meet like-minded individuals, and nurture your well-being in a friendly and communal setting. It's a place where tech and relaxation come together in harmony.

Collect POAPs at each of our meetups!

If you want, you can preserve our amazing experiences with the help of the blockchain. At each meetup, you will receive a claim link which allows you to mint a special digital collectible for free. To start collecting, we recommend to install Coinbase Wallet, but any Ethereum-based account will of course work.
Next, simply come to the next event to start collecting. You will receive a claim link which enables you to collect the POAP after our sauna session. Click on one of the POAPs below to see the past meetup collectibles and all collectors as recorded on the blockchain.